Manage Medical Tests & Labs

  1. Select a patient and open the EHR module.

  2. Click the Medical Tests tab and review the listed entries.

  3. Tip: If Carequality is enabled, any records that are reconciled from outside axiUm display a Reconciled () icon. Additionally, a Recon Date column displays the date of reconciliation and a Source column displays the source of the data for reconciled records.

  4. (Optional) Filter the listed results using the following fields:
  5. Note: The default settings are configured by your institution.

    Field Description
    Only show orders that have results

    Select this checkbox to display only records that have medical test results.

    Note: If selected, records with pending test results do not display.

    Show Deleted

    Select this checkbox to include deleted medical test results and labs.

    Show Reconciled

    Select this checkbox to include reconciled medical test results.

    Note: This checkbox only displays if Carequality is enabled.

  6. Review the listed entries.
  7. To perform another task, complete any of the following: